Search results for "all-girls schools"
Boarding schools in Victoria
There are currently 186 boarding schools in Australia listed on The Good Schools Guide. 28 of these are in Victoria.
Boarding schools in Western Australia
There are some families for whom a tradition spanning several generations makes boarding a familiar and attractive option. For others, geographic isolation or parents’ overseas work and travel have the potential to disrupt schooling.
Read moreGood Schools Spotlight: Santa Maria College
Santa Maria College is a dynamic girls’ secondary college founded in the Good Samaritan/Benedictine tradition.
Read moreGood Schools Spotlight: Ivanhoe Girls' Grammar School
At Ivanhoe Girls' Grammar School, we help young women find their voice.
Read moreGood Schools Spotlight: Presbyterian Ladies' College – Perth
Presbyterian Ladies’ College in Perth was founded in 1915 and has since sustained an international reputation for academic excellence and outstanding success in preparing young women to lead active, purposeful lives.
The purpose and place of a girls' school education
In a world where equality and inclusion are sadly lacking, we know that as a girls’ school we empower young women.
Read morePrivate girls’ secondary schools in South Australia
There are 11 private secondary and combined all-girls schools in South Australia, which are listed in this article.
Read morePrivate girls’ secondary schools in Tasmania
There are two private secondary and combined all-girls schools in Tasmania, which we have listed in this article.
Read morePrivate girls’ secondary schools in the Australian Capital Territory (ACT)
There are three private secondary and combined all-girls schools in the ACT, which a listed in this article.
Read morePrivate girls’ secondary schools in Victoria
There are 44 private secondary and combined all-girls schools in Victoria, which we have listed in this article.
Read morePrivate girls’ secondary schools in Western Australia
There are 10 private secondary and combined all-girls schools in WA, which we have listed in this article.
Read morePrivate girls’ secondary schools in New South Wales
There are 46 private secondary and combined all-girls schools in NSW, which we have listed in this article.
Read morePrivate girls’ secondary schools in Queensland
There are 29 private secondary and combined all-girls schools in Queensland, which we have listed in this article.
Read moreSuburb Spotlight: Schools in Toowoomba
The Good Schools Guide takes a look at schools in Toowoomba.
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