Good Schools Spotlight: Santa Maria College

Freedom to learn in a safe environment. Engagement with the world. Actions for justice. Future pathways. Teamwork and challenge. Choices that excite. The courage to lead. A faith that inspires. A place to belong. A confident voice and an inquiring mind. These are just some of the things you may want for your daughter as she begins her secondary school journey. 

Santa Maria College is a dynamic girls’ secondary college founded in the Good Samaritan/Benedictine tradition. Operating since 1904, we see our students as young women who have every opportunity to reach their full potential and to contribute to a world so in need of women of vision and substance. 

A village for learning

Santa Maria offers an education for girls that incorporates the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Program from Years 7 to 10 and VCE, VET and VCAL pathways in Years 11 to 12. Underpinning these programs is our Village model in Years 7 to 8, 9 to 10 and 11 to 12. Each Village provides developmentally tailored programs and easy access to structures of support. Students are encouraged to know themselves as learners, to find their voice, to explore their creativity and to engage with the broader community. Each Village builds a sense of connection where lasting friendships are made and where every student is known and supported on their learning journey. 

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