Search results for "career"
What to do if your child's ATAR is lower than expected
If your child receives a score that doesn't quite match their expectations (or your own), our three-step checklist can help.
Help your child through their Year 12 exams
Give your child the best possible chance to prosper during their Year 12 exams with our helpful advice!
Should your child do IB?
Should your child do an apprenticeship or traineeship?
How to get the most out of school open days
Visiting a school is a chance for you to see where your child will be spending a big chunk of their life. It is important to know that they are in a place where they will be comfortable and safe, as well as challenged and engaged.
The parents' guide to casual and part-time jobs
Your child's Year 12 survival checklist
What is 'enterprise education'?
How is Australia dealing with the STEM crisis?
Your child's gap year options: working overseas
Workforce automation to hit young Australians over next decade
Is university the right choice for your child?
While university is certainly an end goal for many, it's important to discuss tertiary options with your child and whether university is a path they'd like to pursue.
The facts about your child's ATAR
Not only does December mark the end of the year, Christmas and summer holidays - it is also the month for Year 12 final results!