Search results for "study"

What to do if your child's ATAR is lower than expected

What to do if your child's ATAR is lower than expected

If your child receives a score that doesn't quite match their expectations (or your own), our three-step checklist can help.

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Your child has their ATAR, now what?

Your child has their ATAR, now what?

With the year wrapping up, the wait is almost over for Year 12 results. We address some of the most common parent queries.

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Help your child through their Year 12 exams

Help your child through their Year 12 exams

Give your child the best possible chance to prosper during their Year 12 exams with our helpful advice!

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Should your child do IB?

Should your child do IB?

For students who are unsure about their future direction but enjoy a holistic curriculum, the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) may provide a great option.
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Is boarding school right for my child?

Is boarding school right for my child?

Sending your child to boarding school commands a lot of debate amongst parents in Australia. We look at the pros and cons of this style of schooling.
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The parent's guide to the Duke of Edinburgh Award

The parent's guide to the Duke of Edinburgh Award

For over 60 years, The Duke of Edinburgh's Award (Duke of Ed) has run as an international youth development program, challenging individuals to engage with their communities and develop key leadership skills.
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Should your child do an apprenticeship or traineeship?

Should your child do an apprenticeship or traineeship?

Apprenticeships and traineeships are available in more than 500 occupations in Australia. They span everything from traditional trades to a diverse range of established and emerging industries.
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The advantages of extracurricular activities

The advantages of extracurricular activities

Students have the opportunity to participate in a variety of extracurricular activities during their time at school - from sport, music and drama to personal development and community service programs.

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State budget wrap up: New South Wales and Queensland

State budget wrap up: New South Wales and Queensland

After the release of the Federal and Victorian budgets last month, the 2016-17 New South Wales and Queensland state budgets have now been revealed.
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Are you too involved in your child's homework?

Are you too involved in your child's homework?

It's not uncommon for parents to help their kids with homework, but at what point does this become harmful to their learning?

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The benefits of Kumon-style tutoring

The benefits of Kumon-style tutoring

The Kumon Method of learning gives children so much more than fundamental maths and English skills. With over 4.2 million enrolments globally, we look at what makes Kumon the most popular tutoring service in the world.
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Queensland students to receive ATARs from 2019

Queensland students to receive ATARs from 2019

Queensland Education Minister Kate Jones has revealed details of the state's senior secondary overhaul, with the Overall Position (OP) set to be replaced by the Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR).

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The facts about cut-off scores and university entry

The facts about cut-off scores and university entry

As a parent, there's a lot to take in when your child starts Year 12. One of the main sources of concern is your child's final marks (ATAR).

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Your child's Year 12 survival checklist

Your child's Year 12 survival checklist

With the new school year upon us, Year 12 students are feeling mixed emotions. We offer some of our best tips to help your child 'survive' Year 12 in one piece.
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Victoria opens two P-Tech schools

Victoria opens two P-Tech schools

The Pathways in Technology (P-Tech) model is being unveiled in Victorian schools as part of the federal government's innovation and science agenda.
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