Search results for "kids"

What kinds of work skills does my child need?

What kinds of work skills does my child need?

Our children need solid skills to become employable, but deciding which ones to focus on can be difficult.

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Student Stories: How I’m keeping motivated while learning remotely

Student Stories: How I’m keeping motivated while learning remotely

Like many others, Year 11 student Bridie has made the swift transition to remote learning. Here's what works for her when it comes to maintaining motivation.

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Indoor activities to keep kids occupied

Indoor activities to keep kids occupied

With staying home becoming the new norm, there's the need for activities that don't require a lot of movement.

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Student Stories: How to cope with moving schools

Student Stories: How to cope with moving schools

Moving schools isn't easy for some kids. Read Hope's experience on how she managed to do it.

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9 ways video games can benefit your child

9 ways video games can benefit your child

Here’s a list of potential benefits of video games can have for your child.

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Tips for a positive start to primary school

Tips for a positive start to primary school

Starting primary school can be an exciting and emotional time for both you and your child. 

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Easing the transition into high school

Easing the transition into high school

Moving from primary school to high school is a big change and it can be a challenge to most kids. 

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Education for all: A look at inclusive schools

Education for all: A look at inclusive schools

Inclusive schools welcome children of all abilities. Find out more about the different inclusive schools across Australia. 

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6 educational apps for primary-aged children

6 educational apps for primary-aged children

One-third of schools in Australia have their own ‘Bring your own device’ (BYOD) policy. The BYOD programme was first introduced in Australian schools as a replacement for government's Digital Education Revolution scheme.

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Does homework still make sense?

Does homework still make sense?

Some experts insist that it simply stresses students and their families, but others believe homework that is relevant, age-appropriate and engaging can instil good habits and enhance learning.

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6 great educational apps for early learning

6 great educational apps for early learning

Technology has revolutionised the way children are learning and how teachers are teaching. Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) schemes are a regular fixture in Australian schools, allowing students to use smartphones, laptops and tablets in the classroom.

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Things to do in the September 2019 holidays in Victoria

Things to do in the September 2019 holidays in Victoria

There's far more happening in Victoria than the Royal Melbourne Show, we've compiled five activities that will keep the kids active and mentally stimulated

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Things to do in the September 2019 holidays in Queensland

Things to do in the September 2019 holidays in Queensland

For those in Queensland, here are some busy activities for you kids these September school holidays 

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The importance of reading to children

The importance of reading to children

Many of us are fortunate enough to have fond childhood memories of reading time with our parents. 

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What's happening in schools around Tasmania

What's happening in schools around Tasmania

With Term 3 coming to an end, we wanted to look back at some of the exciting things happening in Australian schools — this time, in Tassie. 

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