Search results for "high school"

How is Australia dealing with the STEM crisis?

How is Australia dealing with the STEM crisis?

With low uptake of science and mathematics subjects by school students and dwindling interest in related tertiary courses, there's much to be done to raise the appeal of STEM disciplines.
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How to get your child out of their comfort zone

How to get your child out of their comfort zone

If you want your child to extend their options and get out of their comfort zone, it's all about ensuring they try new things.
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Victorian students struggle with the transition to high school

Victorian students struggle with the transition to high school

More needs to be done to support students in their transition from primary to secondary school, according to a new report by Victorian Auditor-General John Doyle.
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Online education continues to expand in schools

Online education continues to expand in schools

With the rapid rise and constantly changing face of technology and online mediums, it's only natural that technology starts to find its way into the classroom.
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Top New South Wales schools in 2014

Top New South Wales schools in 2014

With the release of HSC scores comes the annual list of top schools in New South Wales.
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Top VCE schools 2014

Top VCE schools 2014

With the release of Victorian ATARs this week, it's time to reveal Victoria's top-performing schools for 2014.
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Sampling tertiary study during the high school years

Sampling tertiary study during the high school years

If your child is in their last few years of school, you may not be aware that they can sample tertiary study before they graduate.

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Selective entry schooling in Victoria

Selective entry schooling in Victoria

Selective entry schools provide an alternative to mainstream schooling for academically gifted students. There are four government sector selective entry high schools in Victoria.
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Top 10 educational apps for kids

Top 10 educational apps for kids

Smartphones and tablets and the apps that go with them can have a reputation for being time wasters and distractions, but they aren't just for games or social networking.
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School leadership opportunities for your child

School leadership opportunities for your child

As early as primary school, your child will have numerous opportunities to hone their leadership potential.
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A parent guide to university offers

A parent guide to university offers

If your child is one of the thousands of students awaiting a tertiary place, let us address your concerns.

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Top schools in New South Wales for 2013 revealed

Top schools in New South Wales for 2013 revealed

The top schools in New South Wales have been revealed, determined by each school's proportion of students who achieved a score of 90% or above in an HSC study.
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Top 20 schools in Victoria

Top 20 schools in Victoria

VCE results are not only a measure of individual students' performance against their cohort; they also provide a good indication of school's academic excellence for parents choosing a school.
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The advantages and disadvantages of homework

The advantages and disadvantages of homework

The purpose of homework is to bridge the gap between children's learning at school and at home, but just how relevant is it to the modern generation?

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How to prepare your child to move out of home

How to prepare your child to move out of home

If your child is getting ready to move out of home, our checklist can help.
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