Search results for "Education"

How much are private school fees? The not-so-hidden application costs in Victoria

How much are private school fees? The not-so-hidden application costs in Victoria

The cost of enrolling your child to a private school in Victoria may not be as straightforward as you think. Nowadays, some schools charge an application fee in order to progress your child's enrolment. Find out what it is and why you're paying for it.
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What happens when you don't get the ATAR you want?

What happens when you don't get the ATAR you want?

A higher or lower than expected ATAR can throw your plans out of whack. Careers expert Helen Green offers tips and suggestions.
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Careers guidance empowers students

Careers guidance empowers students

There is no doubt that the pandemic has reinforced the importance of being adaptable and willing to pivot or learn new skills.
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What do parents want from an independent school?

What do parents want from an independent school?

There are many needs and wants parents have when choosing a school for their child. This differs significantly when comparing independent schools, catholic schools and government schools.
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Career coaching for your child: What to expect

Career coaching for your child: What to expect

What can a career practitioner help your child with? What are the things you can expect from this type of coaching?
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Boarding schools in Victoria

Boarding schools in Victoria

There are currently 186 boarding schools in Australia listed on The Good Schools Guide. 28 of these are in Victoria.

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How to help your kids build good study habits

How to help your kids build good study habits

An early introduction to time management and planning is a great way of giving your child the tools to be a planner in the future.
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Career coaching and education for your Year 11 child

Career coaching and education for your Year 11 child

Career coaching in Year 11 teaches the student discipline and helps them to understand how looking into careers is another regular activity that they should ideally plot into their schedule.
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South Australia school term dates

South Australia school term dates

Discover the South Australia school term dates for 2023 and 2024. Learn how term dates may vary based on your child's school sector, and be aware of public holidays such as Australia Day, Labour Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, ANZAC Day and Queen’s Birthday. Understand the differences in public holidays between metropolitan and non-metropolitan areas and the flexibility in term dates among non-government schools. Non-government schools may also have unique public holidays and policies on student-free days. Check with your child's school for specific details and plan your child's education effectively with the academic calendar.

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Boarding schools in Western Australia

Boarding schools in Western Australia

There are some families for whom a tradition spanning several generations makes boarding a familiar and attractive option. For others, geographic isolation or parents’ overseas work and travel have the potential to disrupt schooling. 
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Creating a rich learning environment at Carey Forrestdale

Creating a rich learning environment at Carey Forrestdale

Opportunities to get outside and be immersed in the natural world are incredibly valuable for learning and essential for healthy lives.
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Good Schools Spotlight: Santa Maria College

Good Schools Spotlight: Santa Maria College

Santa Maria College is a dynamic girls’ secondary college founded in the Good Samaritan/Benedictine tradition.
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Good Schools Spotlight: Hale School

Good Schools Spotlight: Hale School

Hale School is Western Australia’s oldest, leading boys’ school with a reputation for excellence.
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