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Top 20 schools in Victoria
VCE results are not only a measure of individual students' performance against their cohort; they also provide a good indication of school's academic excellence for parents choosing a school.
Read moreTop schools in New South Wales for 2013 revealed
The top schools in New South Wales have been revealed, determined by each school's proportion of students who achieved a score of 90% or above in an HSC study.
Read moreFive ways to keep your child busy over the holidays
Keeping your kids busy over the holidays can be a challenge. Luckily, our five tips can help.
Read moreThe advantages and disadvantages of homework
The purpose of homework is to bridge the gap between children's learning at school and at home, but just how relevant is it to the modern generation?
An update on independent public schools
The federal government has committed to assisting a quarter of the country's public schools to gain independent status by 2017.
Read moreIs homeschooling an option for your child?
Popularly known as home education, homeschooling provides families with a legal alternative to a formal school-based learning experience.
Read moreHow to prepare your child to move out of home
If your child is getting ready to move out of home, our checklist can help.
Read moreWhat to do if your child wants to change schools
It can be difficult to know what to do when your child wants to change schools. To help, we've provided a short checklist to help you navigate the process.
Read moreNew online opportunities for Australian students
Online education is expanding in Australia, with a host of new opportunities available to students at secondary level.
Read moreThe facts about tertiary study applications
As Year 12 students move into the tertiary application period, we've set out to answer some of the questions you might have about your child's application.
Your child's tertiary study options
If your child is coming to end of their time at secondary school, you may be wondering about their tertiary study options.
Queensland OP system under review
The Queensland Government has commissioned the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) to review its school leaver assessment rank, the Overall Position (OP).
Read moreVictoria signs up to Better Schools Plan
Victoria has reached an agreement with the federal government on the Better Schools Plan that will see the state's schools receive an extra $12.2 billion of funding over the next six years.
Read moreExtracurricular options for your child
Students have the opportunity to participate in a wide range of co-curricular and extracurricular activities during their schooling years.
Read moreSecondary school experiences beyond the classroom
Secondary experiences beyond the classroom
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