Search results for "study"

National youth survey reveals students' concerns beyond school

National youth survey reveals students' concerns beyond school

The results from Mission Australia's annual Youth Survey have been released, with the 2015 report providing a spotlight on students' future work and study plans, as well as their concerns.
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Your state's top schools for 2015

Your state's top schools for 2015

With the release of ATARs and final results in December, the top schools for 2015 have been revealed.
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What is 'enterprise education'?

What is 'enterprise education'?

You may have heard the term 'enterprise education'. We explain what it is, how it's used in schools and why it's important.
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How is Australia dealing with the STEM crisis?

How is Australia dealing with the STEM crisis?

With low uptake of science and mathematics subjects by school students and dwindling interest in related tertiary courses, there's much to be done to raise the appeal of STEM disciplines.
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Government puts university fee deregulation on hold

Government puts university fee deregulation on hold

If your child is looking at their post-school study options, you may be concerned about the higher education reforms introduced in last year's Federal Budget - primarily the proposed deregulation of university fees.
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Your child's gap year options: working overseas

Your child's gap year options: working overseas

If travelling overseas is on your child's radar, we explore some of the exciting gap year opportunities they may consider when they head abroad.
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Five great reasons for your child to consider VCAL

Five great reasons for your child to consider VCAL

Introduced in 2002, VCAL offers hands-on training and a great pathway into work for a wide range of students.
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Are single-sex schools better than coeducational schools?

Are single-sex schools better than coeducational schools?

While the vast majority of Australian schools are coeducational, single-sex schooling is a popular choice for many families. We present some of the latest news on gendered schooling in Australia.
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Is university the right choice for your child?

Is university the right choice for your child?

While university is certainly an end goal for many, it's important to discuss tertiary options with your child and whether university is a path they'd like to pursue.

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Should maths and science be compulsory in Year 12?

Should maths and science be compulsory in Year 12?

Federal Education Minister Christopher Pyne has put forward a proposal to enforce study of a maths or science subject in Year 12. We take a look at what the changes would mean for your child, as well as some of the arguments on both sides.
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What you need to know about academic tuition

What you need to know about academic tuition

If your child could benefit from some extra assistance with their schoolwork, you may consider getting a tutor.
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Federal Budget delivers good news for school students and families

Federal Budget delivers good news for school students and families

The federal government's Budget has been released overnight, delivering largely positive news for school students and families.
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How to get your child out of their comfort zone

How to get your child out of their comfort zone

If you want your child to extend their options and get out of their comfort zone, it's all about ensuring they try new things.
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Study abroad options in Australian secondary schools

Study abroad options in Australian secondary schools

Studying overseas can be daunting, but it also offers a number of fantastic opportunities for students.
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Academic terminology glossary

Academic terminology glossary

If you feel like you're trying to learn another language when reading about your child's schooling, we explain some of the jargon you may encounter.
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