Search results for "school"
Robotics in the classroom
Australian students and teachers are starting to share their classrooms with robots.
Learning a second language in primary school
Should LOTE education become a core component of Australian curriculum?
A Year 12's guide to financial literacy
The final year of high school is the perfect time for students to get fiscally savvy.
Are electronic exams the way forward?
We analyse the pros and cons of the introduction of electronic exams in Australian high schools.
Tips to get you through the stressful exam period
Follow this advice to avoid being overwhelmed by your impending exams.
School holiday guide – rest of Australia edition
Running out of inspiration for school holiday activities? Check out our guide to the best things happening across the country these October holidays.
Funding boost for non-government sectors
A stack of cash has been committed to the Catholic and independent sectors.
School holiday guide – Victoria and Western Australia edition
Melbourne and Perth have plenty of exciting activities to keep both kids and adults entertained these school holidays.
Five ways to get through Hell Week
The most dreaded five-day stretch for Year 12 cohorts all over Victoria.
How does academic performance in Melbourne compare with regional Victoria?
Comparing the best rural and metropolitan schools in Victoria based on median study scores.
Top performing schools in Victoria revealed
Check out how your school performed based on median VCE scores and percentage of scores over 40.
Year 12: Expectation versus reality
The latest piece from our Student Ambassador Sean on what Year 12 is really like.
What are the advantages of gamification in education?
There are a diverse range of benefits associated with gamified learning.