Search results for "homework"
What do 2018 NAPLAN results tell us?
The latest data from NAPLAN has landed, with one state achieving some record-breaking results.
What are the advantages of gamification in education?
There are a diverse range of benefits associated with gamified learning.
Having career conversations with your child
You can't predict their future career but identifying what your child enjoys can get them child off to a good start.
Is homework still important?
We take a look at the pros and cons for students, teachers and even parents.
Advantages and disadvantages of BYOD in Australian schools
Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) is common in Australian schools but is it good for students?
What to do when your child's homework is too hard
Get on top of homework woes with our list of handy tips.
Using technology: Keeping your child safe
Children need to be aware of how to use technology in a responsible manner.
The essential back to school checklist
How to get the most out of school open days
Visiting a school is a chance for you to see where your child will be spending a big chunk of their life. It is important to know that they are in a place where they will be comfortable and safe, as well as challenged and engaged.
The advantages of extracurricular activities
Students have the opportunity to participate in a variety of extracurricular activities during their time at school - from sport, music and drama to personal development and community service programs.
Are you too involved in your child's homework?
It's not uncommon for parents to help their kids with homework, but at what point does this become harmful to their learning?