Search results for "dance"

Year 12: Expectation versus reality

Year 12: Expectation versus reality

The latest piece from our Student Ambassador Sean on what Year 12 is really like. 

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Things to do these school holidays

Things to do these school holidays

Keep the kids entertained these holidays with our guide to some of the best things happening around the country.

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Four ways schools can go green for Earth Day

Four ways schools can go green for Earth Day

Earth Day is fast approaching, so here are some handy tips for schools looking to reduce their carbon footprint. 

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TALI Train: A versatile program to address childhood attention difficulties

TALI Train: A versatile program to address childhood attention difficulties

TALI Train is the perfect addition to the toolkit of many health professionals, teachers and educators. Clinically proven, it is a unique system designed to help children with attention difficulties.

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Sacré Cœur STEAM project

Sacré Cœur STEAM project

The focus is on preparing students for a future of 'unknown unknowns'.


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Are you too involved in your child's homework?

Are you too involved in your child's homework?

It's not uncommon for parents to help their kids with homework, but at what point does this become harmful to their learning?

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Social media guide for parents in 2014

Social media guide for parents in 2014

It's no secret that social media is a popular way for people to communicate - but for parents, it can be hard to keep up with all the latest developments.

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Summer holiday activities in your state

Summer holiday activities in your state

If you're racking your brain trying to think of ways to keep the kids busy, we take a look at some of the activities happening in your state - from Christmas celebrations to events and festivals in the new year and beyond.
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How is Australia dealing with the STEM crisis?

How is Australia dealing with the STEM crisis?

With low uptake of science and mathematics subjects by school students and dwindling interest in related tertiary courses, there's much to be done to raise the appeal of STEM disciplines.
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Queensland to benefit from significant education spend in state budget

Queensland to benefit from significant education spend in state budget

Education is a clear winner in the Queensland Budget 2015-16, with $12.4 billion in funding provided for the vocational sector, schools and the teaching profession.
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Winter school holiday survival guide

Winter school holiday survival guide

With the winter holidays around the corner, it's time to start thinking about how you'll keep the kids busy until they head back to school.
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How to get your child out of their comfort zone

How to get your child out of their comfort zone

If you want your child to extend their options and get out of their comfort zone, it's all about ensuring they try new things.
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Spotlight on Kambala high achievers

Spotlight on Kambala high achievers

Kambala recognises the success of two high achievers in both the 2014 HSC and International Baccalaureate Program. These outstanding young women epitomise the "Kambala student" and we congratulate them.
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