Search results for "career"
Assisting your child with university course preferences
As a parent, you play a vital role in supporting your child and helping them through the course preference period.
The parents' guide to senior subject choices
If your child is preparing to enter their final years of school, read on as we answer some of the most common questions about Year 11 and 12 subject selection.
Read moreHelping your child manage study stress
As students come into the second half of the school year, many parents will be wondering how they can help their Year 12 child deal with the stress and pressures of their final few months at school.
Read moreParental influence on children's educational aspirations
For many students, parental influence is a no more than a push in the right direction. For others, the pressure to succeed can be overwhelming and lead to setbacks down the track.
Read moreFive tips for parents of new Year 12s
The thought of your child starting Year 12 can be daunting. To make the year ahead as smooth as possible, we've come up with five tips for approaching your child's final year at school.
Read moreThe facts about tertiary study applications
As Year 12 students move into the tertiary application period, we've set out to answer some of the questions you might have about your child's application.
Your child's tertiary study options
If your child is coming to end of their time at secondary school, you may be wondering about their tertiary study options.
Discussing tertiary education with your child
If your child is coming up to their final years of secondary school, you may be wondering when you should begin discussing their post-school options and how.
Read moreTips for career planning with your child
As a parent, you play a vital role in helping your child sift through their career options. Read on for a few tips to help you approach the careers conversation.
Australian Curriculum update
With the first phase of the Australian Curriculum underway, read on for an update of what's been happening in 2012.
Read moreVictorian primary schools welcome maths and science specialists
Victorian government primary schools have welcomed 100 mathematics and science teaching specialists into classrooms in time for the new school year.
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