Search results for "Year 12"

Bringing economics back into schools

Bringing economics back into schools

Less than half of Australian schools offer economics as a subject to students.

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Does my ATAR really matter?

Does my ATAR really matter?

For Year 12s from all around Australia, the nervewracking wait for ATAR scores is finally over. 

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Top 10 tips for surviving Schoolies Week

Top 10 tips for surviving Schoolies Week

Our survival guide for Schoolies.

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Learning a second language in primary school

Learning a second language in primary school

Should LOTE education become a core component of Australian curriculum? 

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A Year 12's guide to financial literacy

A Year 12's guide to financial literacy

The final year of high school is the perfect time for students to get fiscally savvy.

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What type of Year 12 student are you?

What type of Year 12 student are you?

There are five options to choose from.

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Five ways to get through Hell Week

Five ways to get through Hell Week

The most dreaded five-day stretch for Year 12 cohorts all over Victoria. 

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Year 12: Expectation versus reality

Year 12: Expectation versus reality

The latest piece from our Student Ambassador Sean on what Year 12 is really like. 

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What are the advantages of gamification in education?

What are the advantages of gamification in education?

There are a diverse range of benefits associated with gamified learning. 

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What's next? Resources for choosing further education

What's next? Resources for choosing further education

Three suggestions from our Student Ambassador Sean on how to navigate your higher education journey. 

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How to choose a university

How to choose a university

Our Student Ambassador Sean did the rounds to find out what factors Year 12s are taking into account when selecting their university preferences.

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Introducing Sean, our Student Ambassador

Introducing Sean, our Student Ambassador

A unique perspective on Year 12 from a current student.

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The essential back to school checklist

The essential back to school checklist

School returns in less than two weeks, so it's time to get sorted.
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Is it worth doing a unit 3/4 subject in Year 11?

Is it worth doing a unit 3/4 subject in Year 11?

Compare the positives and negatives to make the right decision about your education in Year 12.

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