Search results for "Bullying"
What happens if you leave school early?
The lowdown on how an early exit can impact students.
How to get the most out of school open days
Visiting a school is a chance for you to see where your child will be spending a big chunk of their life. It is important to know that they are in a place where they will be comfortable and safe, as well as challenged and engaged.
Social media guide for parents in 2014
It's no secret that social media is a popular way for people to communicate - but for parents, it can be hard to keep up with all the latest developments.
National youth survey reveals students' concerns beyond school
The results from Mission Australia's annual Youth Survey have been released, with the 2015 report providing a spotlight on students' future work and study plans, as well as their concerns.
Read moreChoosing the right school for your child
Choosing a school is no easy feat. There's a lot to consider and it's made no simpler by the many ways in which schools vary.
Read moreOnline education continues to expand in schools
With the rapid rise and constantly changing face of technology and online mediums, it's only natural that technology starts to find its way into the classroom.
Read moreWhat you need to know about school policies
Sometimes it can be hard to keep up with the policies in place at your child's school, particularly if you're relying on your child for information.
Read moreFive social media safety tips for parents
Although social media certainly has many benefits, it is natural to be concerned that your child may run into trouble or have a negative experience online.
Is homeschooling an option for your child?
Popularly known as home education, homeschooling provides families with a legal alternative to a formal school-based learning experience.
Read moreWhat to do if your child wants to change schools
It can be difficult to know what to do when your child wants to change schools. To help, we've provided a short checklist to help you navigate the process.
Read moreSteps to take if your child is having problems at school
It's hard to know what to do when you notice that your child is having problems at school. Here we describe three of the most common problems faced by children at school and what you can do to help.
Read moreChildren and social media
In light of negative publicity concerning children's social media use, it's important that you get acquainted with some of the risks involved and ensure that your child understands how to use social media safely.
Read moreVictorian schools not meeting gifted students' needs
The Victorian Parliament's Education and Training Committee released an inquiry into the education of gifted and talented students in late June. The committee found that, in its current state, gifted education is lacking in four main areas.
Read moreWhat to do if your child is unhappy at school
Like adults in the workplace, it's important to remember that your child will not always be happy at school... whether due to academic pressures, issues within friendship groups or inadequate support from teaching staff.
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