Search results for "victoria"
Children and social media
In light of negative publicity concerning children's social media use, it's important that you get acquainted with some of the risks involved and ensure that your child understands how to use social media safely.
Read moreDo Australian schools need more sport?
With the Olympics having come to an end, media reports continue to discuss suggestions that there is too little emphasis on sport in Australian schools.
Read moreHow to help your child get ready for exams
While there's no set way to provide the 'best' support base during exam time, rest assured that there are a number of ways in which you can help.
Australian Curriculum update
With the first phase of the Australian Curriculum underway, read on for an update of what's been happening in 2012.
Read moreWhat is VET in Schools?
Long gone are the days when getting a vocational education meant 'dropping out' of school before Year 12. These days, students can complete Vocational Education and Training (VET) as part of their senior secondary certificate.
Victorian schools not meeting gifted students' needs
The Victorian Parliament's Education and Training Committee released an inquiry into the education of gifted and talented students in late June. The committee found that, in its current state, gifted education is lacking in four main areas.
Read moreWhat to do if your child is unhappy at school
Like adults in the workplace, it's important to remember that your child will not always be happy at school... whether due to academic pressures, issues within friendship groups or inadequate support from teaching staff.
Read moreThe advantages and disadvantages of selective entry high schools
Read on to find out the potential pros and cons of choosing a selective entry government school.
Read moreHow bullying is being eliminated in Australian schools
The Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (DEEWR) launched the National Safe Schools Framework in 2011 with the belief that all students should be able to learn and develop in safe and supportive environments.
Read moreHow the government is closing the gap
The federal government's annual report detailing initiatives to close the gap between the Indigenous and non-Indigenous population has found that a number of the goals listed in the 2011 report have seen improvement.
Read moreNAPLAN National Report released
The second stage of the 2011 NAPLAN testing results have been released, following the September release of the initial NAPLAN Summary Report and the distribution of individual student reports.
Read moreVictorian primary schools welcome maths and science specialists
Victorian government primary schools have welcomed 100 mathematics and science teaching specialists into classrooms in time for the new school year.
Read moreMid-year VCE exams come to an end
The Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority will scrap mid-year VCE exams in 2013.
Read moreHow to support your child through Year 12 exams
As the end of the month draws near, so too do the end of year exams and stressful times for many Year 12 students and their parents.