Search results for "Education"

Victorian schools not meeting gifted students' needs

Victorian schools not meeting gifted students' needs

The Victorian Parliament's Education and Training Committee released an inquiry into the education of gifted and talented students in late June. The committee found that, in its current state, gifted education is lacking in four main areas.
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Saving for a private education

Saving for a private education

With private education costs constantly rising, finance experts have expressed that it is best to start saving as soon as you can. Read on to find out how and how much.
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What to do if your child is unhappy at school

What to do if your child is unhappy at school

Like adults in the workplace, it's important to remember that your child will not always be happy at school... whether due to academic pressures, issues within friendship groups or inadequate support from teaching staff.
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Concerns over NAPLAN testing

Concerns over NAPLAN testing

With NAPLAN testing over for the year, opposition against the testing regime continues.
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2012-13 federal budget education initiatives

2012-13 federal budget education initiatives

The announcement of the 2012-13 federal budget has seen a number of funding initiatives for Australian education, many of which will directly benefit families with children in school.
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How to choose a primary school

How to choose a primary school

Choosing a primary school can be difficult, especially if it is the first time you are making a decision about your child's education.
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The advantages and disadvantages of selective entry high schools

The advantages and disadvantages of selective entry high schools

Read on to find out the potential pros and cons of choosing a selective entry government school.
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How bullying is being eliminated in Australian schools

How bullying is being eliminated in Australian schools

The Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (DEEWR) launched the National Safe Schools Framework in 2011 with the belief that all students should be able to learn and develop in safe and supportive environments.
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How the government is closing the gap

How the government is closing the gap

The federal government's annual report detailing initiatives to close the gap between the Indigenous and non-Indigenous population has found that a number of the goals listed in the 2011 report have seen improvement.
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New South Wales to benefit from 200 additional teachers in 2012

New South Wales to benefit from 200 additional teachers in 2012

The New South Wales Government has announced a $24 million initiative to hire 200 additional teachers in 2012.
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NAPLAN National Report released

NAPLAN National Report released

The second stage of the 2011 NAPLAN testing results have been released, following the September release of the initial NAPLAN Summary Report and the distribution of individual student reports.
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Review of Funding for Schooling released

Review of Funding for Schooling released

The Review of Funding for Schooling has found that Australian schools are failing to get the best results for their students. It made several recommendations to reform school funding priorities at a total cost of $5 billion.
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Victorian primary schools welcome maths and science specialists

Victorian primary schools welcome maths and science specialists

Victorian government primary schools have welcomed 100 mathematics and science teaching specialists into classrooms in time for the new school year.
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Introducing Year 7 into Queensland's secondary schools

Introducing Year 7 into Queensland's secondary schools

The Queensland Government is working to bring the education system in line with the other states by moving Year 7 to the secondary school system.
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Results of NSW school obesity study released

Results of NSW school obesity study released

A study into the rates of obesity in school-aged children in NSW has revealed that obesity rates are holding steady at 23 per cent.
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