Teaching kids life skills

While academics are important, teaching children useful life skills could potentially help them get around in the future. As a parent or teacher, there's no better time to start thinking about ways to combine social, emotional and academic development at home and in school.

Basic financial management

Teaching students how to be fiscally responsible can help them take control of their finances in the future. With some basic guidance, parents and teachers can teach them how to integrate money into their daily lives. Start by showing them how important it is to develop a budget. Discuss the details on what expenses are and how to save them.

We understand that sometimes the “money talk” can be a sensitive issue to bring up for some families, but as a parent, the least you can do is to set a good example. For instance, don’t argue with your partner or other family members about money in front of the kids. Discuss it privately when the kids are away at school or when they’re asleep.

Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence is the ability to perceive, understand and manage your own emotions. Helping young children improve their emotional awareness can really help them become more adaptable adults in the future. It’s important for parents and teachers to demonstrate the understanding of respect, empathy and honesty. Start by paying attention to your child’s emotions and teach them to create supportive relationships around them. This could be between family, friends or even strangers.

It’s pivotal to pay close attention to their emotions to cultivate positive mental health and wellbeing. Studies have shown that some kids start bullying when they’re overwhelmed with different feelings like jealousy, anger, loneliness and other feelings on the spectrum. When your child slowly begins to start being emotionally aware, they’ll understand the concept of being mindful and emotionally competent towards other people and their surroundings.

Problem-solving skills

It’s okay to be protective of your child but try not to go too far. Being over-protective in some situations may cause some side effects to your children as they get older — they might crave more freedom and it could lead their teens to take on more dangerous risks.

It’s important to let kids know that it’s okay to make mistakes — it allows them to take responsibility for their failures and learn to develop wisdom as they figure out solutions to their problems. Parents of younger children can show their support by helping them brainstorm possible solutions to smaller problems. Another good way of encouraging them to think outside the box is to use positive reinforcement. Studies have shown that positive reinforcement is an effective tool to help young children learn good manners, waiting patiently and even complying with a request.

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