Yarra Valley Grammar
Ringwood VIC, Melbourne Eastern Suburbs
Key Facts
School uniform
The uniform is compulsory
Number of students
Total enrolment: 1800
Up to Year 6: 487
In high school: 1313
In Year 12: 175
Gender in depth
Female: 45%
Male: 55%
Other Requirements
Boarding school
Offers IB
Accepts international students
Offers VCE VM
Offers VET
Our Curriculum
Subjects Overview
Math classes: vertical, streamed and mixed
English classes: mixed
LOTE taught:
Chinese, English as a second language, French, Indonesian
Senior secondary subjects overview
43 VCE level 3/4 studies
327 VCE students
Senior secondary programs overview
10 VET program(s) available
12 VET students
How our students performed in Year 12
Academic Results
Scores of 40+: 22%
Median Score: 35
Satisfactory completions of VCE: 100%
Satisfactory completions of VET: 91%
Bachelor enrolled: 83%
Apprentice/Trainee: 7%
Employed: 2%
Activities & Support Staff
Accelerated learning (4)
- Areas Of Excellence Program
- Enrichment Program
- Extension And Enrichment Program
- Vertical years 10 to 12 VCE program
Activities (62)
Academic Assistance/Student Support
- 1:1 BYOD program Years 10-12
- 1:1 iPad program Years 7-9
- Creative Writing
- House Activities
- Peer Support
- Peer Support Program
- Supportive Friends Program
- Year 9 Out Of Class Program
- Art Exhibition
- Artist In Residence
- Crafts
- Drama
- Drama Performances
- Drama Production
- Junior Drama
- Life Drawing
- Music concerts
- Painting
- Performing Arts Program
- Photography
- Speech and Drama Tuition
- Stage Crew
- Studio Arts
- Academic Honours Awards
Career Development
- House Captains
- Leadership Development Camp
- Academic Competitions
- Interschool Competitions
- Mathletics
- Indonesian Language Immersion Tours
- Language Competitions
- Australian Business Week
- Debutante/Presentation Ball
- Information Evenings
- Literary Festivals
- School Formals
- Senior Social
- Valedictory Dinner
- Year 10 Social
- Year 12 Farewell
- Camps
- Excursions
- International Student Exchange
- Reflection Days
- Retreats
- School Camps
- Year 7-10 Camps
- Year Level Camps
- Confirmation Program
- Religious Education Teaching
Sport, Leisure and Health
- Aerobics teams
- House Sport Program
- Swimming Carnival
- Robotics
Vocational programs
- Design And Technology (Wood, Metals, Plastic)
- Driver Education
- Outdoor Education
Volunteering/community service
- Charitable Clubs and Organisations
- Community Service
- Environmental Action Group
- Fundraising
- Social Evenings
Extra-curricular (7)
- After-School Classes For International Students
- Before And After School Program
- Chess Club
- Debating
- Equestrian Team
- Lunchtime Clubs
- Yoga
Music (25)
- Bands
- Choral ensemble
- Ensemble
- Instrumental ensemble
- Jazz Ensemble
- Large ensembles and orchestra
- Orchestra
- Rock
- String orchestras
- Symphony orchestra
- Junior music night
- Music productions
- Musical competitions
- Performance
- Production
- Brass
- Percussion
- Saxophone
- String
- Trumpet
- Woodwind
Music theory
- Music lessons
- Music theory
- Choirs
- Vocal
Sports (38)
Ball sports
- Basketball
- Beach volleyball
- Netball
- Volleyball
Bat, stick and racquet
- Badminton
- Cricket
- Hockey
- Softball
- Table tennis
- Tee ball
- Tennis
- Cycling
- Rock climbing
Equine sports
- Equestrian activities
- Horse riding
- Australian Rules Football
- Football (other)
- Soccer
- Touch football
- Aerobics
- Orienteering
- Rogaining
- Cross country running
- Running (for exercise)
Snow sports
- Snow boarding
- Snow skiing
Target sports
- Golf
Track and field
- Athletics
- Bush walking
Water sports
- Canoeing
- Kayaking
- Platform diving
- Rowing
- Springboard diving
- Swimming
- Water polo
Weight training
- Gym classes
- Gym workouts
Support Staff (75)
Academic support
- Academic Extension Support Teacher
- Classroom Support
- Disability Support Aides
- EAL Coordinator
- Laboratory Technician
- Librarian
- Literacy And Numeracy Specialist
- Literacy Support
- Reading Recovery Teacher
- Remedial Support Teacher
- Teacher Librarian
- Year Level Student Managers
Administrative staff
- After School Carer
- Before And After School Care Teacher
- Business Manager
- Camp Coordinator
- Early Learning Carer
- Facilities Manager
- Groundsman
- House Coordinator
- Maintenance Staff
- Middle Years Coordinator
Career guidance
- Careers Advisor
- Development Officer
- Extension And Enrichment Coordinator
- Extension And Enrichment Program Staff
- Uniform Shop
- VET/VCE Coordinator
- Work Experience Coordinator
- Food Technology Support
- Food Technology Technician
- Food Technology Technicians
- Health And Safety Officer
- Nurse
- Occupational Health And Safety Officer
- Sport Support Staff
International student support
- Chinese Teacher Aides
- ESL Support Teacher/School Officer
- Integration Aides
- Integration Coordinator
- Integration/Special Education Teacher
- International Student Administrater
- International Student Coordinator
- International Student Support Aide
- Language Assistant
- Manager Of International Students
- Overseas Exchange Coordinator
- Audio Visual Technician
- Computer Technician
- E-Learning Coordinator
- ICT Support Manager
- Library Technician
Specialist support
- Art Technician
- Choir And Voice Production Teacher
- Deaf Facility
- Deaf Integration Staff
- Director Of Music
- Director of Performing Arts
- Drama Coordinator
- Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) Coordinator
- Instrumental Music Teachers
- Music Ensemble Leader
- Public Speaking Coordinator
- Specialist Coaching
- Teachers Of The Hearing Impaired
- Careers Counsellor
- Chaplain
- Chaplain/Religious Advisor
- Counsellors
- Director Of Student Services
- Pastoral Care
- Psychologist
- School Counsellors
- Social Worker/Welfare Officer
- Student Well-Being Co-Ordinator
- Areas Of Excellence Program
- Enrichment Program
- Extension And Enrichment Program
- Vertical years 10 to 12 VCE program
Academic Assistance/Student Support
- 1:1 BYOD program Years 10-12
- 1:1 iPad program Years 7-9
- Creative Writing
- House Activities
- Peer Support
- Peer Support Program
- Supportive Friends Program
- Year 9 Out Of Class Program
- Art Exhibition
- Artist In Residence
- Crafts
- Drama
- Drama Performances
- Drama Production
- Junior Drama
- Life Drawing
- Music concerts
- Painting
- Performing Arts Program
- Photography
- Speech and Drama Tuition
- Stage Crew
- Studio Arts
- Academic Honours Awards
Career Development
- House Captains
- Leadership Development Camp
- Academic Competitions
- Interschool Competitions
- Mathletics
- Indonesian Language Immersion Tours
- Language Competitions
- Australian Business Week
- Debutante/Presentation Ball
- Information Evenings
- Literary Festivals
- School Formals
- Senior Social
- Valedictory Dinner
- Year 10 Social
- Year 12 Farewell
- Camps
- Excursions
- International Student Exchange
- Reflection Days
- Retreats
- School Camps
- Year 7-10 Camps
- Year Level Camps
- Confirmation Program
- Religious Education Teaching
Sport, Leisure and Health
- Aerobics teams
- House Sport Program
- Swimming Carnival
- Robotics
Vocational programs
- Design And Technology (Wood, Metals, Plastic)
- Driver Education
- Outdoor Education
Volunteering/community service
- Charitable Clubs and Organisations
- Community Service
- Environmental Action Group
- Fundraising
- Social Evenings
- After-School Classes For International Students
- Before And After School Program
- Chess Club
- Debating
- Equestrian Team
- Lunchtime Clubs
- Yoga
- Bands
- Choral ensemble
- Ensemble
- Instrumental ensemble
- Jazz Ensemble
- Large ensembles and orchestra
- Orchestra
- Rock
- String orchestras
- Symphony orchestra
- Junior music night
- Music productions
- Musical competitions
- Performance
- Production
- Brass
- Percussion
- Saxophone
- String
- Trumpet
- Woodwind
Music theory
- Music lessons
- Music theory
- Choirs
- Vocal
Ball sports
- Basketball
- Beach volleyball
- Netball
- Volleyball
Bat, stick and racquet
- Badminton
- Cricket
- Hockey
- Softball
- Table tennis
- Tee ball
- Tennis
- Cycling
- Rock climbing
Equine sports
- Equestrian activities
- Horse riding
- Australian Rules Football
- Football (other)
- Soccer
- Touch football
- Aerobics
- Orienteering
- Rogaining
- Cross country running
- Running (for exercise)
Snow sports
- Snow boarding
- Snow skiing
Target sports
- Golf
Track and field
- Athletics
- Bush walking
Water sports
- Canoeing
- Kayaking
- Platform diving
- Rowing
- Springboard diving
- Swimming
- Water polo
Weight training
- Gym classes
- Gym workouts
Academic support
- Academic Extension Support Teacher
- Classroom Support
- Disability Support Aides
- EAL Coordinator
- Laboratory Technician
- Librarian
- Literacy And Numeracy Specialist
- Literacy Support
- Reading Recovery Teacher
- Remedial Support Teacher
- Teacher Librarian
- Year Level Student Managers
Administrative staff
- After School Carer
- Before And After School Care Teacher
- Business Manager
- Camp Coordinator
- Early Learning Carer
- Facilities Manager
- Groundsman
- House Coordinator
- Maintenance Staff
- Middle Years Coordinator
Career guidance
- Careers Advisor
- Development Officer
- Extension And Enrichment Coordinator
- Extension And Enrichment Program Staff
- Uniform Shop
- VET/VCE Coordinator
- Work Experience Coordinator
- Food Technology Support
- Food Technology Technician
- Food Technology Technicians
- Health And Safety Officer
- Nurse
- Occupational Health And Safety Officer
- Sport Support Staff
International student support
- Chinese Teacher Aides
- ESL Support Teacher/School Officer
- Integration Aides
- Integration Coordinator
- Integration/Special Education Teacher
- International Student Administrater
- International Student Coordinator
- International Student Support Aide
- Language Assistant
- Manager Of International Students
- Overseas Exchange Coordinator
- Audio Visual Technician
- Computer Technician
- E-Learning Coordinator
- ICT Support Manager
- Library Technician
Specialist support
- Art Technician
- Choir And Voice Production Teacher
- Deaf Facility
- Deaf Integration Staff
- Director Of Music
- Director of Performing Arts
- Drama Coordinator
- Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) Coordinator
- Instrumental Music Teachers
- Music Ensemble Leader
- Public Speaking Coordinator
- Specialist Coaching
- Teachers Of The Hearing Impaired
- Careers Counsellor
- Chaplain
- Chaplain/Religious Advisor
- Counsellors
- Director Of Student Services
- Pastoral Care
- Psychologist
- School Counsellors
- Social Worker/Welfare Officer
- Student Well-Being Co-Ordinator
Request Information Update
Principal: Dr Mark Merry
Kalinda Rd Ringwood Victoria 3134
Tel: (03) 9262 7700
Please fill out the form below to contact the school directly.