Search results for "homework"

Five tips to help your child prepare for the new school year

Five tips to help your child prepare for the new school year

With school back for the year, now is the best time for your child to start developing good study habits. We list a few tips to help them enjoy their year and succeed academically.
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What you need to know about school policies

What you need to know about school policies

Sometimes it can be hard to keep up with the policies in place at your child's school, particularly if you're relying on your child for information.
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The advantages and disadvantages of homework

The advantages and disadvantages of homework

The purpose of homework is to bridge the gap between children's learning at school and at home, but just how relevant is it to the modern generation?

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Children and social media

Children and social media

In light of negative publicity concerning children's social media use, it's important that you get acquainted with some of the risks involved and ensure that your child understands how to use social media safely.
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Saving for a private education

Saving for a private education

With private education costs constantly rising, finance experts have expressed that it is best to start saving as soon as you can. Read on to find out how and how much.
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What to do if your child is unhappy at school

What to do if your child is unhappy at school

Like adults in the workplace, it's important to remember that your child will not always be happy at school... whether due to academic pressures, issues within friendship groups or inadequate support from teaching staff.
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What policies can I expect my school to have?

What policies can I expect my school to have?

Most schools have welfare policies that deal with the general wellbeing of individual students and groups of students.
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What should the school tell me?

What should the school tell me?

One of the best ways of evaluating a school is to look at the ways in which it reports to parents.
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These days the emphasis is on students developing their own ability to complete tasks at home and on time.
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Your child's progress

Your child's progress

What happens after your child is enrolled?
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