Westbourne College Sydney

Ultimo NSW

Open Days & School Tour Dates

The open days listed below have been sourced from Westbourne College Sydney. Please contact the school directly using the enquiry form on the right hand side for further information.

Pre-register for our Open Days or Information Evenings

Pre-register your interest to join us for future Open Days or Information Evenings. Meet Patrick McGing, college principal, and hear directly from him about how Westbourne students access exclusive global opportunities to accelerate their careers while still in high school. Places will fill for Year 10 or 11 next year. Pre-register your interest to visit our college at https://westbournecollege.com.au/admissions/visits-open-days/info-session/

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Principal: Mr Patrick McGing


7/579 Harris Street Ultimo New South Wales 2007

Tel: 02 8088 0719

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