Emmaus Christian College inspires young people by providing excellence in education within a caring Christian community.
Established in 1979, Emmaus Christian College is a non-denominational distinctly Christian coeducational ELC to 12 learning community grounded in biblical principles. Emmaus operates across two metropolitan campuses, South Plympton (F to Year 12) and Brooklyn Park (ELC to Year 6 – opening in 2020). Students attending the Brooklyn Park campus for their Junior School years join the South Plympton campus for Year 7 to 12 representing a seamless educational pathway. Access to our South Plympton campus is supported by our extensive private bus network.
Our students are taught the Australian Curriculum through the lens of a Christian worldview. Our balanced curriculum equips them for tertiary study and vocational development, leading to effective service to the community through a range of career paths. We are committed to providing rigorous, relevant and engaging learning opportunities to all students in line with the Australian Curriculum. Our teachers explicitly embed high order thinking skills within their curriculum. Growth Mindset strategies are integrated throughout the program.
Our students are encouraged to be politically and socially aware, to act from a sound ethical base and to pursue excellence. Combined with the development of personal character and discernment skills, this provides students with a firm foundation for the future.
The results of our 2021 Year 12 students are consistent with our NAPLAN results at Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 for Numeracy and Literacy which saw our Emmaus students perform 8.5% above state averages. This represents an average advancement of 16 months ahead compared to their same age average state counterparts.
Our aim is that our students will graduate as confident and compassionate young adults, well-equipped to take their place in the world. We seek to foster a commitment to Jesus Christ and a passion to live life in such a way as to bring honour and glory to God.