Pymble Ladies College

Pymble Ladies College

Pymble NSW

Pymble’s Junior School, for girls from Years 3 to 6, is a vibrant and caring community, focused upon developing each girl’s strengths in a supportive and caring environment. It is an exceptionally well-resourced learning precinct that instils in students the attributes of participation, exploration and a sense of belonging and mutual respect. Girls benefit from extensive leadership opportunities, a closely linked Student Wellbeing Program and academic program, and an outstanding range of co-curricular activities.


The Junior School curriculum has been designed to provide outstanding educational opportunities that will help every student reach her potential. Core subjects assist with the development of a firm foundation, with support available for girls requiring additional assistance in literacy and numeracy, and more challenging activities to engage girls requiring extension. Specialist teachers plan and implement programs in Physical Education, Performing Arts, Visual Arts and Languages. Learning is enhanced through the development of critical and creative thinking skills, and through the provision of an excellent range of co-curricular opportunities in sport and the arts.

Student Wellbeing and Leadership

The Junior School’s Student Wellbeing Program and academic programs are closely linked, with staff working to develop in each student a feeling of self-worth so that they may achieve their individual potential. The Peer Support, Social Development and Leadership programs foster the development of values such as commitment, self-discipline, co-operation and compassion, and the Outdoor Education Program seeks to develop skills of leadership, independence and initiative in an enjoyable atmosphere.


Throughout Junior School, girls use technology as an integral part of their learning every day. Students are able to readily access resources and engage with a range of evolving technologies including interactive whiteboards in all classrooms, web applications and tools, and leading-edge software. Technology is embedded within the curriculum for all Junior School students, with laptops and iPads used daily in many different subject areas. In Years 5 and 6, students are required to bring their own laptop as part of the College’s BYOT program.

Co-curricular and Outdoor Education

Pymble’s girls are offered an outstanding range of co-curricular activities in public speaking and debating, environmental awareness, intellectual challenges and sports and the arts. The Junior School Outdoor Education Program provides an important opportunity for students to develop outdoor skills, make new friends, and get to know each other and their teachers in a more informal setting. The pinnacle experience in Year 6 is the climb to the top of Mount Kosciuszko.

Learning Spaces

Our Year 5 and Year 6 students enjoy an innovative learning environment where classes and teachers will share a number of different spaces in which to learn and teach. With research and practice showing that the most effective classrooms to deliver quality teaching and learning are characterised by a flexible and stimulating environment; students and teachers have an opportunity to work in collaborative teams to learn and plan together. The spaces are characterised by:

  • open areas
  • flexible work areas for small and large group activities
  • quiet areas for individual study
  • flexible technology
  • bright colours and soft furnishings 

Leadership Opportunities

Leadership is fostered and encouraged in a variety of ways across the Junior School. Two Student Representative Council (SRC) members are elected from each class each term. Other roles include Class Captain, Sustainability Captain, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Captain and Performing Arts Captain.

Year 6 take on extra leadership responsibilities for the whole school.

These roles include:

  • School Leaders
  • Sport House Leaders
  • Library Leaders
  • SRC Leadership positions

Key Facts

School uniform

The uniform is compulsory

Gender in depth

Female: 100%

Male: 0%

Other Requirements

Boarding school

Offers IB

Accepts international students

Our Curriculum

Subjects Overview

Math classes: streamed
English classes: vertical and streamed
LOTE taught:
French, German, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Latin

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School Details









Principal: Mr Kate Hadwen


Avon Road Pymble New South Wales 2073

Tel: (02) 9855 7799

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