Mill Park Secondary College

Mill Park Secondary College

Epping VIC, Melbourne Northern Suburbs

Mill Park Secondary College is a school with high expectations. Each student grows and learns through individualised opportunities in a positive environment and embraces the challenge of creating their future by setting goals to achieve social and academic success. The College is situated across two campuses, the Middle Years Campus in Mill Park for Years 7 to 9 and the Senior Campus in Epping for Years 10 to 12.  

Mill Park Secondary College operates on a set of four agreed values: Respect, Responsibility, Achievement and Enjoyment. These values form the basis for all interactions between staff, students, parents and the broader community. Mill Park Secondary College celebrates diversity and promotes positive and respectful relationships.


The College works in partnership with students, families and the community to maximise academic, social and emotional growth. Achievement and growth are supported through excellence in teaching and learning and building positive relationships.  

Mill Park Secondary College offers extensive curriculum choices at all year levels. The College focuses on learning growth and creating futures by increasing student engagement and connectedness to school. The College also offers a wide variety of accelerated learning programs including the SEAL Program and the Accelerated English and Science Programs. 

Years 7 – 8

The Year 7 and 8 curriculum is focused on a smooth transition to the College and developing skills in literacy, numeracy and curiosity. Students study the core subjects of English, Maths, Humanities, Science, Physical Education, Pastoral and LOTE (Italian). They also experience a variety of Arts and Technology subjects including Information Technology, Visual Arts, Materials Technology, Dance and Drama, Music, Food Technology and Fabric. Technology.

Years 9 – 10

Students in Year 9 and 10 expand their horizons by participating in a broad range of electives and special programs. Year 9 students continue their studies in English, Maths, Science, Humanities, Pastoral and Physical Education. They are also able to choose from a range of electives, as they begin to identify their future pathways.

Year 10 students begin to design their course around their own specific subject interests, passions, career goals and pathways. Students study English, Maths, Science, Humanities and Pastoral and then choose from a range of electives to suit their educational needs. Some Year 10 students may accelerate their study with a Year 11 VCE or VET subject during this year.

Years 11 – 12

The Senior Years learning environment encourages senior students to develop independence, self-confidence and responsibility for their own learning and behaviour.

The Senior Years Programs available at the College include:

  • The Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE)
  • The Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE VM) Vocational Major

As part of either programs, students may also complete a VET (Vocational Education and Training) course.


One of our goals at Mill Park Secondary College is to ensure that ‘every student is known.’

We take pride in our long-standing focus on pastoral care; providing each student with a Home Group throughout their time at the Middle Years Campus and the Senior Campus; a curriculum program centered on adolescence issues; access to a highly-skilled Student Welfare Team and management of each year level by a team of Coordinators and Program Managers who accompany their year level through their time at each campus.

International Program

The International Student Program has profoundly enriched the day-to-day lives of all students and the contribution of International Students to the College is welcomed, celebrated and recognised.

Our International Students benefit by having three full time dedicated team members. The International Student Co-ordinator as well as Chinese and Vietnamese speaking Program Assistants are responsible for providing ongoing personal assistance and welfare support to students. The International team arranges everything from airport reception and pickup to quality homestay accommodation with carefully selected local families. To assist with the adjustment of living and studying in Melbourne, students are involved in an extensive, personalised Orientation Program.

Key Facts

School uniform

The uniform is compulsory with flexible options permitted

Gender in depth

Female: 51%

Male: 49%

Other Requirements

Boarding school

Offers IB

Accepts international students

Offers VCE VM

Offers VET

Our Curriculum

Subjects Overview

Math classes: mixed
English classes: mixed
LOTE taught:

Senior secondary subjects overview

59 VCE level 3/4 studies
241 VCE students

Senior secondary programs overview

31 VET program(s) available
126 VET students
VCE VM Available

How our students performed in Year 12

Academic Results

Scores of 40+: 2%

Median Score: 26

Satisfactory completions of VCE: 96%

Satisfactory completions of VET: 84%

Activities & Support Staff

Accelerated learning

Accelerated learning (2)


Activities (12)


Activity (1)


Extra-curricular (4)


Music (7)


Sports (13)

Support Staff

Support Staff (10)

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School Details









Principal: Mr Tim Natoli


9-25 Moorhead Drive Mill Park Victoria 3082

19-33 Civic Drive Epping Victoria 3076

Tel: (03) 9407 9700

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