Brighton Grammar School

Brighton Grammar School

Brighton VIC, Melbourne Southern Suburbs & Western Port

A learning community

Brighton Grammar is one of Australia’s leading independent boys’ school, with strong community traditions and a culture of excellence. Founded in 1882, the school has a non-selective enrolment policy with over 1,400 students from ELC to VCE.

It is a learning community passionate about inspiring and guiding boys on their journey to manhood. Our approach is founded on evidenced-based research, which integrates with best-practice teaching and learning. As a single-campus school, every boy is known, encouraged and celebrated for his individual passions and talents. We are guided by the traditions and practices of the Anglican Church and our four core values of respect, integrity accountability and passion.

Come on a tour to get an authentic feel of the facilities, programs and educational opportunities we can offer your son.

Why a boy’s school?

Boys thrive in a culture that understands, accepts and celebrate them. Studies have shown that boys’ schools help to build positive masculinity and general wellbeing for boys. Their social awareness and interpersonal skills are improved, giving them the confidence to know and be themselves.

With higher rates of self-esteem, boys perform better academically, have higher participation rates in arts and music, and develop closer relationships within cohorts, leading to greater empathy and emotional awareness.

Learning how to learn

Our strong student engagement focus, coupled with a commitment to small class sizes, has resulted in exceptional academic results. We use coaching methods to foster a high-performance learning environment. Boys receive one-on-one coaching, but they also learn to coach one another. Our teachers are trained in instructional coaching, ensuring all staff are continually improving their teaching practice. Via our Effective Learner model, boys acquire the skills to take responsibility for their own learning and engagement. Our senior students recognise the benefit of working together in syndicates to support one another.

Positive School Culture

Our Wellbeing program is embedded in the curriculum, to develop a positive school culture that empowers students in their studies and lives. Mindfulness is a school-wide program designed to focus on the boys’ mental health, to boost emotional intelligence and resilience. Students are offered innovative and evidence-informed initiatives in positivity masculinity, stress-management, personal development and self-health practices. Our Wellbeing Centre provides a physical context for students and parents to learn about positive psychology and wellness programs. Improved wellbeing outcomes have led to greater student engagement and stronger academic performance.

Tomorrow’s Entrepreneurs

When boys make their own learning choice and make an emotional connection, then learning is enriched. In an era when traditional careers are changing, we recognise that tomorrow’s entrepreneurs should be nurtured at school and encourage boys to adapt to this shift and harness new opportunities. From building a motorbike or designing a sensory rubrics cube to making and racing a miniature F1 car, boys are supported daily to develop an enterprising mindset. They learn the key 21st-Century skills of critical reasoning, collaboration and most importantly creative thinking, identified as the most important leadership competency for a successful enterprise of the future.

Three cornered partnership

BGS recognises that each boy’s success in his educational journey is optimised with the active engagement of parents and advocates for a three-cornered partnership between the boys, families and the school. The Crowther Centre keeps parents up-to-date on effective learning strategies and offers a comprehensive parent education program in the form of webinars, workshops, a podcast, position papers and resources for parents to access.

Key Facts

School uniform

The uniform is compulsory

Number of students

Total enrolment: 1500
Up to Year 6: 508
In high school: 992
In Year 12: 148

Other Requirements

Boarding school

Offers IB

Accepts international students

Offers VCE VM

Offers VET

Our Curriculum

Subjects Overview

Math classes: mixed
English classes: mixed
LOTE taught:
Chinese, English as a second language, French, Japanese, Latin

Senior secondary subjects overview

38 VCE level 3/4 studies
286 VCE students

Senior secondary programs overview

9 VET program(s) available
15 VET students

How our students performed in Year 12

Academic Results

Scores of 40+: 24%

Median Score: 35

Satisfactory completions of VCE: 100%

Satisfactory completions of VET: 82%

Activities & Support Staff

Accelerated learning

Accelerated learning (5)


Activities (79)


Extra-curricular (12)


Music (29)


Sports (30)

Support Staff

Support Staff (16)

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School Details









Admissions Coordinator: Mrs Rebecca Darling


90 Outer Crescent Brighton Victoria 3186

Tel: (03) 8591 2202

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