St Virgil's College

Austins Ferry TAS

Open Days & School Tour Dates

The open days listed below have been sourced from St Virgil's College. Please contact the school directly using the enquiry form on the right hand side for further information.

Book a Tour

All tours commence at 9am in the Joyce Performance Centre with a short presentation by Mr Messer where he explains the College's vision for boys' education at St Virgil's and how this looks and feels for the young men of SVC. To book a place on a Principal's tour please email the College Registrar Mrs Monica Nugent at (03) 6249 6519.

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School Details









Principal: Mr Damien Messer


102 Patrick Street Hobart Tasmania 7000

195 Main Road Austins Ferry Tasmania 7011

Tel: (03) 6234 2440

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