Alphington Grammar School

Alphington Grammar School

Alphington VIC, Melbourne Northern Suburbs

Our ELC is a nurturing and supportive environment where three, four and five year-olds can grow and develop their love of learning and foster their natural curiosity. Our program is inspired by the Reggio Emilia Approach, which is based on the idea that a child who is happy will learn best. Building strong foundations for individual learning maintains our focus on belonging, well-being, expression, and engagement of the whole child.

As children approach school age, we focus on extending their abilities, challenging their thinking and developing their confidence to make their transition to the main school something which children can approach with confidence. Our core values of Being, Belonging, and Becoming ensure that we promote the development of positive qualities for well-rounded children.

Our team of passionate educators believe the most powerful way that children learn is through play, delivered by high quality programs and aesthetically inviting play spaces. We value and place great importance on collaborative group work and the sharing of thoughts and ideas. Learning projects are creative, inviting and challenging, allowing the children to build on existing knowledge and make new discoveries.

Our time together will see the children discover many things about themselves, others and the world around them. Throughout the week the children participate in specialist programs of physical education, music and library. Our immersive Greek language program delivers authentic language learning through child initiated interests, play and engaging activities. Our bush adventure program values the benefits of nature play for children in our school grounds and surrounds. Children have opportunities to learn from local Darebin Rangers and Wurundjeri elders, immersing themselves in nature play in our school grounds and surrounds.

We hope your child’s time with us in the Early Learning Centre is positive and enriching, a place where children develop a lifelong love of learning.

Key Facts

School uniform

The uniform is compulsory

Number of students

Total enrolment: 544
Up to Year 6: 192
In high school: 352
In Year 12: 47

Gender in depth

Female: 45%

Male: 55%

Other Requirements

Boarding school

Offers IB

Accepts international students

Offers VCE VM

Offers VET

Our Curriculum

Subjects Overview

Math classes: vertical, streamed and mixed
English classes: vertical, streamed and mixed
LOTE taught:
Chinese, Greek

Senior secondary subjects overview

21 VCE level 3/4 studies
77 VCE students

Senior secondary programs overview

How our students performed in Year 12

Academic Results

Scores of 40+: 12%

Median Score: 30

Satisfactory completions of VCE: 100%


Bachelor enrolled: 76%

TAFE/VET enrolled: 19%

Activities & Support Staff

Accelerated learning

Accelerated learning (2)


Activities (32)


Extra-curricular (5)


Music (15)


Sports (17)

Support Staff

Support Staff (26)

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School Details







Principal: Dr Vivianne Nikou


18 Old Heidelberg Road Alphington Victoria 3078

Tel: (03) 9497 4777

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