General Excellence Scholarships will be awarded to begin at either Caulfield Campus or Wheelers Hill Campus in Year 7 and Years 9 – 11. Typically a 50 percent concession, General Excellence Scholarships offer part remission of tuition fees; offers will take into account parent’s financial means.These scholarships are awarded to students who are able to demonstrate excellence and achievement in the following fields: AcademicLeadership and ServiceThe Arts (Performing Arts and/or Visual Arts) Sport (students must be competing in teams at a State/National Level). Applicants will need to provide information on levels of achievement in each field and must demonstrate excellence in at least three fields. Scholarships are awarded following an interview with senior staff.


For Years 7, 9, 10, 11. Interviews will then be conducted with short listed candidates. Scholarships will be offered to successful applicants shortly thereafter.

For Australian students
For international students
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