Music Scholarships

Newington College

Newington College offers a range of general and specific music scholarships.


Music scholarships are available to boys who, in addition to performing well in the scholarship selection examination, show evidence of outstanding musical achievement or show potential in one of five areas: - Strings - Choral - Brass/Woodwind - Organ - Contemporary Music General music scholarships are available to boys entering Year 7, Year 9 and Year 11. Due to strong demand for these music scholarships, there is usually a minimum standard required. This may change according to the instrument. The current broad recommendations for a minimum standard are: Year 7: Minimum AMEB Grade 4 (Note: AMEB is only used as a guide)Year 9 and 11: AMEB Grade 6 (Year 9 Entry) AMEB Grade 7 (Year 11 Entry). Note: AMEB is only used as a guide

Gender Male
For Australian students
For international students
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