St Joseph’s College has been at the forefront of secondary education in Australia for 140 years. An independent Catholic school, we endeavour to mould boys into confident, resilient and caring young men who will make a positive contribution to society.
Joeys, as we are affectionately known, is a comprehensive school that gives students of all abilities an opportunity to shine and reach their academic potential. A culture of inclusiveness is actively fostered. Each boy is encouraged to achieve his own personal best – to pursue excellence in all that he attempts.
The College motto In Meliora Contende – striving for better things – encapsulates this ethos, providing a bedrock principle all boys can live by. It works in tandem with You’ll Never Walk Alone, the song of unity and mateship Joeys students roar at sporting events and other celebratory occasions.
The College provides a balanced education, incorporating a variety of learning, spiritual, physical and recreation experiences. We are famous for our outstanding academic, cultural and sporting achievements and links to the local and international community and rural Australia. We are also the largest all-male boarding and day school in the country, bringing together a rich diversity of students from different backgrounds and locations. The cherished city-country connection is one of the defining features of Joeys life.
Marist Brothers founded the College in 1881. Their values of presence, simplicity, love of work, family spirit and the way of Mary inform everything we do. The Catholic faith is central to our vision. We strive to provide boys with a quality education that draws faith, culture and life into harmony. We give boys access to exceptional learning opportunities within a compassionate and highly supportive Christian environment.
Above all, Joeys is about developing young men of character and integrity. Respectful, well-rounded men who will approach the wider world with courage and humility.

St Joseph's College
Hunters Hill NSW
School Details




Mark Street Hunters Hill New South Wales 2110
Tel: +61 2 9816 0900
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