Northern Bay P-12 College
Corio VIC, Barwon-South Western
Northern Bay P-12 College is a Coeducation combined school, serving years P-12. The uniform is compulsory and enforced. Northern Bay P-12 College is located in VIC, Barwon-South Western region. Northern Bay P-12 College is 1 of 134 government schools in the Corio area.
Key Facts
School uniform

The uniform is compulsory
Number of students

Total enrolment: 1929
Up to Year 6: 1161
In high school: 768
In Year 12: 97
Gender in depth

Female: 49%
Male: 51%
Other Requirements
Boarding school
Offers IB
Accepts international students
Offers VCE VM
Offers VET
Our Curriculum
Subjects Overview

Math classes: mixed
English classes: mixed
LOTE taught:
Senior secondary subjects overview

40 VCE level 3/4 studies
93 VCE students
Senior secondary programs overview

32 VET program(s) available
186 VET students
VCE VM Available
How our students performed in Year 12
Academic Results
Scores of 40+: 2%
Median Score: 24
Satisfactory completions of VCE: 89%
Satisfactory completions of VET: 64%
Activities & Support Staff

Accelerated learning (4)
- Accelerated Classes
- Advance
- Enrichment Activities
- University Step-Up Program

Activities (58)

Academic Assistance/Student Support
- Cross Age Tutoring
- English Language Program
- Homework Support

- Annual Art Show
- Art/Craft Exhibition
- Circus Skills
- Dance
- Hip Hop
- Photography
- Puppetry
- Speech and Drama Tuition

- Academic Honours Awards
- Awards Evening

Career Development
- Captains
- Leadership Activities
- Student Representative Council
- Work Experience

- Academic Competitions
- Mathletics
- World Challenge Expedition

- Aboriginal Awareness Agents
- Aboriginal Reconciliation
- Cultural Activities
- Cultural And Language Overseas Tours
- Cultural Enrichment Program
- Indigenous Awareness
- Multicultural Festival

- Information Evenings
- Memorial Service
- Year 12 Graduation

- Camps
- College Camps
- Excursions
- School Camps
- After School Homework Assistance Program

- Chaplaincy Program

Sport, Leisure and Health
- Academy Of Sport Program
- Athletics Carnival
- Interschool Sports

- 3D Animation
- Coding
- Computer Club
- Lunchtime Computer Games
- Robotics

Vocational programs
- Certificate 2 & 3 in VET
- Cooking
- Extensive Camping Program
- Extensive Education Outdoors Program
- Hospitality Course
- Outdoor Education

Volunteering/community service
- Charitable Clubs and Organisations
- Community Involvement Program
- Community Service
- Environmental Action Group
- Fundraising
- Junior Ambassadors
- Social Awareness
- SRC Fundraising Activities

Extra-curricular (9)
- After School Enrichment Program
- After-School Extension Program
- Before And After School Program
- Breakfast Club
- Chess
- Homework Club
- Rock band
- Surfing
- Yoga

Music (3)
- Concert
Music theory
- VCAA VET music
- Vet music industry skills

Sports (19)

Ball sports
- Basketball
- Netball
- Volleyball

Bat, stick and racquet
- Badminton
- Baseball
- Cricket
- Table tennis
- Tennis

- Bike Riding

- Australian Rules Football
- Football (other)
- Indoor soccer
- Soccer

Motor sport
- Go-karting

Target sports
- Archery
- Golf

Track and field
- Athletics

Water sports
- Swimming

Weight training
- Gym workouts

Support Staff (71)
Academic support
- Classroom Support
- Disability Support Aides
- Intervention Teachers
- Laboratory Technician
- Learning Coach
- Librarian
- Library Support
- Literacy Support
- Performance Coordinator
- Remedial Support Teacher
- Visual Arts Support
- Year Level Student Managers
Administrative staff
- Administrative Support/Finance
- After School Carer
- Attendance Officer
- Before And After School Care Teacher
- Business Manager
- Camp Coordinator
- Director Of Programmes
- Educational Leader
- Facilities Manager
- Groundsman
- House System
- Maintenance Staff
Career guidance
- Apprenticeships Coordinator
- District Guidance Officer
- Managed Individual Pathways (Mip) Advisor
- VCAL Coordinator
- VET Coordinators
- Work Place Learning Coordinator
- Year 7 & 8 Learning Mentors
- Canteen Manager
- Director Of Sports Academies
- First Aid Assistant
- First Aid Coordinator
- First Aid Officer
- Food Technology Technicians
- Nurse
- Sport Coordinator
- Sports Academy
International student support
- ESL Support Teacher/School Officer
- Indigenous Support
- Integration Aides
- Integration Staff
- International Student Coordinator
- Multicultural Aide
- Multicultural Ethnic Aide
- AV/IT Technician
- Computer Manager
- Computer Technician
- Data
- E-Learning Coordinator
- ICT Support Manager
- ICT Technician
- IT Technician
Social support
- Community Liason Coordinator
- Family Liaison
Specialist support
- Dance Performance Coordinator
- Instrumental Music Teachers
- Special Needs Coordinator
- Speech Pathologist
- Academic Counsellor
- Advocacy Program Counselling
- Careers Counsellor
- Chaplain
- Counsellors
- Local Wellbeing Agency Support
- Psychologist
- Social Worker/Welfare Officer
- Student At Risk Support
- Student Welfare Counsellors
- Accelerated Classes
- Advance
- Enrichment Activities
- University Step-Up Program

Academic Assistance/Student Support
- Cross Age Tutoring
- English Language Program
- Homework Support

- Annual Art Show
- Art/Craft Exhibition
- Circus Skills
- Dance
- Hip Hop
- Photography
- Puppetry
- Speech and Drama Tuition

- Academic Honours Awards
- Awards Evening

Career Development
- Captains
- Leadership Activities
- Student Representative Council
- Work Experience

- Academic Competitions
- Mathletics
- World Challenge Expedition

- Aboriginal Awareness Agents
- Aboriginal Reconciliation
- Cultural Activities
- Cultural And Language Overseas Tours
- Cultural Enrichment Program
- Indigenous Awareness
- Multicultural Festival

- Information Evenings
- Memorial Service
- Year 12 Graduation

- Camps
- College Camps
- Excursions
- School Camps
- After School Homework Assistance Program

- Chaplaincy Program

Sport, Leisure and Health
- Academy Of Sport Program
- Athletics Carnival
- Interschool Sports

- 3D Animation
- Coding
- Computer Club
- Lunchtime Computer Games
- Robotics

Vocational programs
- Certificate 2 & 3 in VET
- Cooking
- Extensive Camping Program
- Extensive Education Outdoors Program
- Hospitality Course
- Outdoor Education

Volunteering/community service
- Charitable Clubs and Organisations
- Community Involvement Program
- Community Service
- Environmental Action Group
- Fundraising
- Junior Ambassadors
- Social Awareness
- SRC Fundraising Activities
- After School Enrichment Program
- After-School Extension Program
- Before And After School Program
- Breakfast Club
- Chess
- Homework Club
- Rock band
- Surfing
- Yoga
- Concert
Music theory
- VCAA VET music
- Vet music industry skills

Ball sports
- Basketball
- Netball
- Volleyball

Bat, stick and racquet
- Badminton
- Baseball
- Cricket
- Table tennis
- Tennis

- Bike Riding

- Australian Rules Football
- Football (other)
- Indoor soccer
- Soccer

Motor sport
- Go-karting

Target sports
- Archery
- Golf

Track and field
- Athletics

Water sports
- Swimming

Weight training
- Gym workouts
Academic support
- Classroom Support
- Disability Support Aides
- Intervention Teachers
- Laboratory Technician
- Learning Coach
- Librarian
- Library Support
- Literacy Support
- Performance Coordinator
- Remedial Support Teacher
- Visual Arts Support
- Year Level Student Managers
Administrative staff
- Administrative Support/Finance
- After School Carer
- Attendance Officer
- Before And After School Care Teacher
- Business Manager
- Camp Coordinator
- Director Of Programmes
- Educational Leader
- Facilities Manager
- Groundsman
- House System
- Maintenance Staff
Career guidance
- Apprenticeships Coordinator
- District Guidance Officer
- Managed Individual Pathways (Mip) Advisor
- VCAL Coordinator
- VET Coordinators
- Work Place Learning Coordinator
- Year 7 & 8 Learning Mentors
- Canteen Manager
- Director Of Sports Academies
- First Aid Assistant
- First Aid Coordinator
- First Aid Officer
- Food Technology Technicians
- Nurse
- Sport Coordinator
- Sports Academy
International student support
- ESL Support Teacher/School Officer
- Indigenous Support
- Integration Aides
- Integration Staff
- International Student Coordinator
- Multicultural Aide
- Multicultural Ethnic Aide
- AV/IT Technician
- Computer Manager
- Computer Technician
- Data
- E-Learning Coordinator
- ICT Support Manager
- ICT Technician
- IT Technician
Social support
- Community Liason Coordinator
- Family Liaison
Specialist support
- Dance Performance Coordinator
- Instrumental Music Teachers
- Special Needs Coordinator
- Speech Pathologist
- Academic Counsellor
- Advocacy Program Counselling
- Careers Counsellor
- Chaplain
- Counsellors
- Local Wellbeing Agency Support
- Psychologist
- Social Worker/Welfare Officer
- Student At Risk Support
- Student Welfare Counsellors
Request Information Update




Principal: Mr Scott Diamond
Goldsworthy Rd Corio Victoria 3214
Hendy Street Corio Victoria 3214
Peacock Avenue Norlane Victoria 3214
Peacock Avenue Corio Victoria 3214
Tallis Street Corio Victoria 3214
Wexford Ct Corio Victoria 3214
Tel: (03) 5228 4200
Please fill out the form below to contact the school directly.