Search results for "year 11"
How to balance studying for multiple subjects during year 11 prelims
Career coaching and education for your Year 11 child
Good Schools Spotlight: Hale School
Hale School is Western Australia’s oldest, leading boys’ school with a reputation for excellence.
4 Benefits of School-Based Pre-Apprenticeships
How students can develop leadership skills at school
Recognising our high achievers
As is Barker College’s custom, we were delighted to welcome back our Distinguished Achievers from the Class of 2020, recognising their outstanding results at a special school assembly on February 17.
Student Stories: My advice for Year 11 students
When I’d imagined what my Year 11 would look like, I had absolutely not factored in the global pandemic of 2020, a new world of Zoom classes and socially distanced walks
A student's guide to handling stress and staying focused at school
It's normal to feel stressed from school. Here are some tips to stay focused.
Student Stories: Balancing school with extra-curricular activities
Is a school-work-extracurriculars-social life balance even possible?
When should you drop a school subject?
If there’s nothing, or, at least, barely anything, that interests you about the subject, that could be a sign it’s not for you.
Student Stories: How I’m keeping motivated while learning remotely
Like many others, Year 11 student Bridie has made the swift transition to remote learning. Here's what works for her when it comes to maintaining motivation.
Student Stories: 5 tips for surviving Year 10
Having got through relatively unscathed, here are my top tips for surviving (and thriving) in Year 10.
Student Stories: Taking a Year 12 subject in Year 10
Victorian student Paige tells us about her experience taking a Year 12 subjects two years early.
The home stretch at Penrhos College
Year 10 is a critical year for girls embarking on the home stretch of their schooling.